Social Security Disability Denial

You have paid into the government’s Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program with every paycheck so that you can receive income if you are ever unable to work due to illness or injury. Then it happens; when you need help most, the Social Security Administration (SSA), unjustly denies your valid claim. Many give up and neglect to file an appeal out of frustration with government red tape and mountains of confusing paperwork. We have a better answer.

Do You Qualify?

To qualify for SSDI, you must have worked in a job where you paid Social Security taxes and have a medical issue that meets the SSA's definition of disability. If you've also been unable to work for 12 months or more, you may be eligible to receive social security disability monthly cash payments. Contact Sokolove Law for a FREE, no-obligation case evaluation.

Where Are You in the SSDI Process?

Diabled and Haven't Applied For SSDI?

Once you've met the basic requirements, you need to file an SSDI claim. More than 60% of those that apply for SSDI are denied when they first file an application. Having a Social Security Disability Insurance lawyer review your application before submitting it could help ensure your application is completed accurately and avoid any delays or SSA requests for additional information.

Applied and Waiting for a Response?

It takes 3-5 months for the Social Security Administration to review and decide on claims. If your application was incomplete, it could be delayed longer or denied. The Social Security Disability Insurance attorneys at Sokolove Law simplify the process by helping you complete a new application or file an appeal after denial.

Applied and Denied SSDI Benefits?

The bills have piled up while you've waited months for an official decision on disability insurance benefits. When you learned of your denial, you may have justifiably felt overwhelmed with frustration and anger.

You can appeal denials up to 5 times. In fact, about half of those who are initially denied and make the decision to appeal ultimately receive monthly SSDI cash payments. Seeking help from a Sokolove Law disability insurance lawyer can make it easier on you during the complicated process as your attorney will help guide you through the appeals process and deal with the legal paperwork on your behalf.

Why Sokolove Law?

For more than 40 years, we've helped people get the legal support they need regardless of race or income. We offer free no-obligation legal consultations and don't receive any fees until you receive monthly cash payments from the Social Security Administration. We review claims 24 hours per day and assist clients in all 50 states.

Why hire a Social Security Disability Attorney?

Disability insurance claim paperwork can be complex and frustrating – additional stresses that can further complicate your health. We simplify the SSDI appeals and hearing processes by taking the burden off of you and fighting for your rights.

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Last modified: May 10, 2024