Mt. Pleasant, SC

Whether it's fighting for victims of asbestos exposure, terrorist attacks, or securities and shareholder fraud, co-counsel firm Motley Rice has a long history of being at the forefront of precedent-setting litigation.

Dating back to the 70's, co-founding member Ron Motley was one of the first attorneys in the country to represent workers injured by the asbestos industry and to blow open the fact that the industry knew all along the health hazards of asbestos exposure.

Soon after, Ron, Joe Rice and other Motley Rice attorneys began researching and comparing the medical effects of asbestos exposure and tobacco. Armed with incriminating evidence and an inventive approach, Motley Rice attorneys led the litigation efforts against the tobacco industry on behalf of numerous State Attorneys General.

The resulting Master Settlement Agreement, a $206 billion accord with the four largest United States tobacco producers, provided reimbursement to the states for publicly funded health care costs and imposed advertising and sponsorship restrictions on the tobacco companies. Today, the agreement continues to be the largest financial resolution of civil litigation in the United States and is viewed as being one of the greatest accomplishments in public health of the 20th century.

Motley Rice has a staff of 60 attorneys and over 200 support staff with offices in South Carolina, New York, Washington D.C, Rhode Island, Connecticut and West Virginia. The firm's attorneys focus on Anti-Terrorism & Human Rights, Asbestos and Mesothelioma, Environmental, Medical Devices, Occupational Disease & Toxic Tort, Pharmaceutical Drugs, Securities & Consumer Fraud, and Aviation and Transportation.

Over the years, Motley Rice has worked with Sokolove on a number of different case types, including: pharmaceutical drugs such as Levaquin, medical devices such as Kugel Mesh Bard Hernia Patch and a variety of asbestos cases.

"During my thirty years of practicing law, technology has definitely changed the way you litigate cases," says Rice. "The Sokolove firm has changed the way information about hazardous products and corporate misconduct is conveyed to clients. By continuing to use innovative communication tools both in the client contact area and in the courtroom, we together continue to improve the recovery for all clients."


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Last modified: April 1, 2021