Honor the U.S. Air Force’s 77th Birthday

Honor the U.S. Air Force’s Birthday, Remember the Risks of Asbestos

This year, the United States Air Force will celebrate its 77th birthday. The U.S. Air Force was established as its own branch of the military by Congress and President Henry S. Truman on September 18, 1947.

Prior to this new organization, aircraft and pilots had been under the purview of the U.S. Army, which purchased its first airplane from Orville Wright in 1909.

The mission of the U.S. Air Force is to maintain global superiority in both air and space, a daunting, ever-changing mission. There are over 320,000 active duty military personnel who serve alongside 140,000 civilians.

To put a fighter pilot safely in the air is only made possible by the hard work of hundreds of men and women.

The U.S. Air Force works in concert with the other branches of the military to provide worldwide reconnaissance and air support. The focus of the U.S. Air Force is aviation — with more than 12,000 pilots, including over 700 women — but most airmen and airwomen are involved with supporting flights and base operations.

While we celebrate their bravery, it's important to acknowledge the unseen risks many U.S. Air Force personnel face even after their service — like mesothelioma, an aggressive cancer caused by asbestos exposure decades earlier.

How to Celebrate the U.S. Air Force Birthday

The U.S. Air Force birthday is more than just a time to reflect on the bravery and dedication of the men and women who serve — it's also an opportunity to actively show your support and appreciation.

These events serve as a reminder of the U.S. Air Force’s enduring legacy of service, sacrifice, and technological innovation.

Here are a few ways we can honor their bravery and dedication on this special day:

  1. Remembering Their Dedication: Recognize the tireless commitment of U.S. Air Force personnel who work around the clock to protect national airspace and maintain global security.
  2. Celebrating Their Sacrifice: Pay tribute to the sacrifices made by U.S. Air Force members and their families, who often endure long deployments and personal challenges to safeguard our freedoms.
  3. Acknowledging Their Technological Leadership: The U.S. Air Force has been at the forefront of aviation and space technology, playing a key role in advancements that extend far beyond the military sphere.
  4. Recognizing Global Impact: From providing humanitarian aid to maintaining air superiority in conflict zones, the U.S. Air Force’s global operations reflect its vital role in both peacetime and wartime efforts.
  5. Going to a Veteran-Themed Museum: Many military-related museums around the country give active-duty service members, veterans, and more free access to their exhibits on the U.S. Air Force Birthday.
  6. Supporting Veterans and Active-Duty Members: Give a shoutout on social media — or better yet, get involved in local events or volunteer opportunities. Posting your experiences with the hashtag #AirForceBirthday spreads awareness and demonstrates that their efforts are not forgotten.

In the 77 years since its founding, the U.S. Air Force has been instrumental in maintaining the safety of the nation. After putting their lives on the line for their country, veterans deserve a healthy retirement.

The sad truth is that many veterans returned home with asbestos in their bodies — and for them, the fight is never over.

The Hidden Dangers of Asbestos in Aircraft Components

Asbestos is the commercial name for a group of 6 fibrous minerals (chrysotile, amosite, crocidolite, tremolite, actinolite, and anthophyllite) that were used in many industries — and by every branch in the military.

Because of its strength, durability, and resistance to heat, asbestos was used in various aircraft components. When products containing asbestos are handled, tiny asbestos fibers can be spread into the air and easily inhaled.

Once in the lungs, these tiny fibers may cause:

Tragically, the durable characteristics of asbestos that made it so desirable for industry have made exposures all the more fatal. Veterans now make up 33% of mesothelioma diagnoses.

Because of its pervasive use, the threat of asbestos exposure extends throughout the U.S. Air Force and the rest of the Armed Forces. Asbestos was used as insulation on military bases as well as in most military vessels built before 1980.

Once the dangers of asbestos were made public in the 1980s, many countries moved to stop its use in production, ban its importation, and begin the slow and arduous work of safely removing the deadly mineral from buildings.

Asbestos Exposure in the U.S. Air Force

For veterans of the U.S. Air Force, especially aircraft mechanics, asbestos exposure is a real concern. The asbestos content of certain aircraft brake pads, which were frequently changed by mechanics, was as high as 23% by weight.

Other components in need of routine repair and replacement also contained asbestos, such as clutch facings, gaskets, and fire-sleeves for fluid hoses.

Especially at-risk veterans include those who served in occupations such as plumbers, shipbuilders, boiler operators, firemen, welders, and others.

"Veterans have a right to hold responsible the companies that produced and sold asbestos-containing materials to the military. Filing an asbestos legal claim does not impact VA benefits."
– Ricky LeBlanc, Managing Attorney at Sokolove Law

What this means is that many U.S. Air Force mechanics were put at risk of inhaling asbestos fibers on a daily basis, but it can take 20 to 50 years for mesothelioma symptoms to manifest themselves.

Often these symptoms — shortness of breath, chest pain, coughing, weight loss, general fatigue, and fever — are overlooked or mistaken as something else.

Because of this long latency period, the number of veterans suffering from mesothelioma continues to grow despite bans and restrictions. As a result, veterans are still at risk of developing mesothelioma today.

The truth is the scope of the problem continues to grow. There are thousands of new cases each year and likely thousands more that remain undiagnosed and untreated.

Fighting for U.S. Air Force Veterans & Their Families

For over 45 years, Sokolove Law has fought on behalf of injured veterans across the country and their families. We're proud to serve those who have given so much to serve us.

As a national mesothelioma law firm, we're uniquely equipped to help veterans:

  • Understand how they were exposed to asbestos
  • Hold the companies that sold these dangerous products to the military accountable
  • Pursue mesothelioma compensation that averages over $1 Million

We don't file asbestos lawsuits against the U.S. government, and compensation from legal claims won't affect any current or future VA benefits.

Contact Sokolove Law now to learn more about your options. We're available 24/7 to answer your questions, and it costs nothing to speak with us.

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Last modified: September 18, 2024

  1. Military.com. "Air Force Birthday." Retrieved from: https://www.military.com/air-force-birthday. Accessed on September 17, 2024.