Lawsuits Allege Cow’s Milk-Based Formula Causes NEC, Other Deadly Conditions in Preterm Infants

powder milk baby formula blue spoon

Cow’s milk-based baby formula products have come under fire as a growing number of lawsuits allege such products can lead to the development of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) — a potentially deadly intestinal disease among preterm infants.

Lawsuits claim the makers of certain Similac® and Enfamil™ products failed to warn consumers about the risks of NEC, which are well-documented in medical literature.

Marketed for decades as safe alternatives to breast milk for infants, cow’s milk-based “baby formula” products rose in popularity in the 1960s. Such products were once believed to be good for the growth of premature babies.

However, an extensive — and growing — body of scientific research has shown that cow’s milk-based infant feeding products can greatly increase the risks of NEC developing in preterm and low-birth-weight babies.

No infant should be needlessly put at risk for the benefit of a company’s bottom line.

If your premature infant was fed cow’s milk-based formula and developed digestive or stomach problems, you may be entitled to compensation from a formula NEC lawsuit.

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About NEC in Premature Infants

Infants born prematurely are at particularly high risk for developing NEC as a result of using cow’s milk-based formula, as they are more likely to have underdeveloped digestive systems.

Sadly, conditions like NEC can turn deadly fast. Inflammation and damage to the intestinal tissues can lead to perforations in the intestines, and, as a result, allow bacteria normally present in the intestinal tract to leak into the abdomen, resulting in severe infection and potentially even death.

Symptoms of NEC may include:

  • Bloating or swelling of the belly (abdominal distention)
  • Poor tolerance of feeding (not being able to digest food)
  • Greenish-colored fluid (bile) in the stomach
  • Bloody stool
  • Decreased activity (lethargy)
  • Temperature instability

Parents whose infants are displaying any of the above symptoms should contact their child’s physician right away.

According to the NEC Society, the mortality rate among infants who develop NEC is roughly 40% — a frighteningly high number for thousands of parents of preterm babies.

Deceptive Marketing Puts Infants’ Lives at Risk

While alternatives to cow’s milk-based formula products are available for premature infants, the companies that sell cow’s milk-based formula products have engaged in aggressive marketing tactics that specifically target parents of premature and low birth weight infants.

Often, these products are marketed as being medically endorsed, safe, and nutritionally equivalent to regular breast milk — but they may not be.

The warnings that come with such products are often overly broad, and avoid mentioning any increased risk of NEC or death. Ingredients, too, can be misleading.

For example, products listed with ingredients such as “human milk fortifier” may mislead consumers into thinking the product is derived from breast milk when, in fact, it is cow’s milk-based.

Despite the large body of research highlighting the increased risks of infants developing NEC who use these products, companies selling cow’s milk-based formula have not made changes to their product’s ingredients, packaging, or warnings, continuing to use cow’s milk as the foundation of their products.

Sadly, these products are often sold to hospitals, where they may be given to premature infants in the NICU — usually without the parents' awareness.

If this may have happened to you, you can take action to seek justice on your child's behalf.

Get Help Filing an NEC Lawsuit for Your Child

If your child has developed NEC as a result of cow's milk-based formula, you may be able to file a NEC lawsuit to seek compensation — but you have to act fast.

To learn more about your options, contact Sokolove Law today for a free, no-obligation legal consultation.

For over 45 years, we've fought for justice on behalf of clients across the country who suffered injuries that were no fault of their own.

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Last modified: July 13, 2023

  1. Good, Misty, et al. “Evidence based feeding strategies before and after the development of necrotizing enterocolitis.” Expert Review of Clinical Oncology, 5 June 2014. Retrieved July 13, 2023, from 
  2. Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions. “Formula-fed preemies at higher risk for dangerous GI condition than babies who get donor milk.” Science Daily, 1 May 2011. Retrieved July 13, 2023, from
  3. Meinzen-Derr, J., et al. “Role of human milk in extremely low birth weight infants’ risk of necrotizing enterocolitis or death.” Journal of Perinatology, Vol. 29, pp. 57–62 (2009). Retrieved July 13, 2023, from
  4. NEC Society. “What Is NEC?” NEC Society, n.d. Retrieved July 13, 2023, from